This setting is used in demo:

$texy = new Texy\Texy;

$texy->imageModule->root = '/images/';
$texy->imageModule->linkedRoot = '/images/';
$texy->headingModule->generateID = true;

// syntax highlighting
$texy->addHandler('block', 'blockHandler');

The handler uses Prism.js to highlight syntax:

function blockHandler(
	Texy\HandlerInvocation $invocation,
	string $blocktype,
	string $content,
	string $lang,
	Texy\Modifier $modifier
): Texy\HtmlElement
    if ($blocktype !== 'block/code') {
        // nothing to do
        return $invocation->proceed();

	$texy = $invocation->getTexy();
	$elPre = Texy\HtmlElement::el('pre');
	if ($modifier) {
		$modifier->decorate($texy, $elPre);
	$elPre->attrs['class'] = 'language-' . $lang;
	$content = $texy->protect(htmlspecialchars($content), $texy::CONTENT_BLOCK);
	$elPre->create('code', $content);
	return $elPre;

In addition, when the conversion is complete, some characters are replaced by entities in the text to make them more visible:

$html = $texy->process($text);

$html = str_replace(
    ["\xc2\xa0", "\xc2\xad", "\xe2\x80\x93", "\xe2\x80\x94"],
    [' ', '­', '–', '—'],