Text formatted with Texy:
You can use Texy if you like:
But you can also stay with HTML:
- like this HTML
- Or even totally stupid, Texy will solve it
Generated HTML code:
<h1 id="toc-welcome">Welcome!</h1>
<p>You can use Texy if you like:</p>
<li><strong>bold</strong> font or <em>italic</em></li>
<li>and this is how to <a href="https://texy.info">link</a></li>
<li>see <a href="/en/syntax">syntax</a> for more information</li>
<p>But you can also stay with HTML:</p>
<li>like this <b>HTML</b></li>
<li>Or even <b class="xx">totally <i>stupid</i></b><i>, Texy will
solve it</i></li>
Verze Texy: 3.2.4 (konfigurace)