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Definice (definiční seznamy)
Jak ji známe
- Language
- A language is a system of visual, auditory, or tactile symbols of communication and the rules used to manipulate them.
- Cognition
- The psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning
- The act of perceiving, thinking, reasoning and analyzing.
Jak ji neznáme
Language = A language is a system of visual, auditory, or tactile symbols of communication and the rules used to manipulate them.
Cognition = The psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning = The act of perceiving, thinking, reasoning and analyzing.
Generated HTML code:
<h1 id="toc-definice-definicni-seznamy">Definice (definiční seznamy)</h1>
<h2 id="toc-jak-ji-zname">Jak ji známe</h2>
<dd>A language is a system of visual, auditory, or tactile symbols of
communication and the rules used to manipulate them.</dd>
<dd>The psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning</dd>
<dd>The act of perceiving, thinking, reasoning and analyzing.</dd>
<h2 id="toc-jak-ji-nezname">Jak ji neznáme</h2>
<p>Language = A language is a system of visual, auditory, or tactile symbols of
communication and the rules used to manipulate them.</p>
<p>Cognition = The psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning
= The act of perceiving, thinking, reasoning and analyzing.</p>
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